Old Frontier Family Farm Blog Was Specifically Designed for YOU
Apr 23, 2021
1 min read
I have been reading homesteading blogs for years and they all seem to have all the time in the world to get “everything” done, while we try to balance a job, homeschool, kids activities, and create a profitable farm business (or at the very least a sustainable farm). Although I don’t believe they have all the time it seems they do, the reality is every person makes their own choices and sacrifices. Many things fall through the cracks and we spend a lot of time prioritizing and really figuring out what will work for us and what won’t.
So I decided to build a blog that helps those homesteaders or small hobby farmers wishing to build their dream, but still have to maintain a job and family life. It’s not easy figuring out the balance, but the reward is so great! Growing your own food, knowing exactly what goes into your child’s mouths, healing with more natural remedies, and giving animals their best lives are our main goals here and I want to bring you along on that journey.
#homesteadingwhileworking #homesteading #simpleliving #gardening #wholefoods